I am currently a Senior Postdoctoral Researcher working with Professor Martin J. Blunt and Dr. Branko Bijeljic in the Earth Science and Engineering Department at Imperial College London. My research interest lies in computational methods for earth sciences.

With over five years of research experience, I specialize in multi-phase flow modeling and simulation in porous media across pore and continuum scales. My expertise is pivotal in advancing CO2 and hydrogen storage solutions, enhancing digital twin models of manufactured porous structures, and refining flow processes in various applications. This understanding of pore-scale physics is essential in governing the large-scale phenomena that occur in porous media. It aids in interpreting underground reservoir behaviors, informs process design, and contributes significantly to the development of next-generation batteries. Furthermore, my research is instrumental in harnessing geothermal energy, managing groundwater resources responsibly, and conserving natural construction materials. The interplay between pore-scale physics and large-scale phenomena is fundamental, dictating processes ranging from energy extraction to material conservation strategies.

Apart from my research, I am in charge of the pore-scale modelling webpage and also the porescale GitHub repository, which include all repositories developed in our group.